Dear Reader,

Welcome to Between Calls, your weekly dose of hand-picked stories from the worlds of digital marketing, wellness and science. Blending commerce, consciousness and curiosity Between Calls brings you insights to make you think and think again.
In this week’s edition, we’re unveiling the secrets of attribution modeling to boost your marketing game, then inquiring if coffee really dehydrates us, and finally exploring how restoring riverbanks could be the key to healthier communities. So we have better attribution, a cup of coffee and river restoration this week. Happy reading!

Kabir says – An attribution modeling expert, a coffee connoisseur, and a river restoration expert enter a bar. “I model customers’ paths to purchase” claims the expert. Not wanting to be left behind the connoisseur boasts “I trace all coffee beans to birth.” “And I” interjects the restoration expert “guide rivers home.” They all raise their glasses as mappers of the modern world, guiding streams of traffic, taste, and tides.


Attribution Modeling

Years ago a well respected leader at Google said ‘The higher your attribution, the greater your credit’as we prepared for an important pitch. That pushed us to dive deep into attribution modeling to figure how to count where marketing dollars are driving the most impact. Attribution modeling is like a treasure map, guiding you to understand which touchpoints in a customer’s journey are more effective than others. This allows marketers to allocate budgets more intelligently. There are various models like last-click, first-click, linear, time decay, position-based and data driven. It was a great learning experience for me as a marketer. Here’s an in depth read on this subject to get you started.


Does Coffee Dehydrate You ?

Are the multiple cups of coffee you’re gulping your friends or foes ? This is a question hydration experts ask often. Turns out that while coffee is mostly water, it’s the caffeine content that you have to watch out for. Despite its diuretic reputation, coffee actually hydrates more than it dehydrates. While caffeine has a mild diuretic effect, the water in coffee compensates for this, making it a hydrating beverage. However, it’s essential to balance coffee with other fluids and be mindful of excessive intake, because a caffeine overload can lead to dehydration issues. Remember, moderation is key to enjoying the benefits of coffee without the jitters.


Restoring Riverbanks

Could the secret to healthier communities lie in our riverbanks ? Turns out that focusing on the ‘riparian zone’ the place where the river meets land can have massive restorative benefits for the surrounding ecosystem. By granting our rivers the space to flourish and meander, we not only safeguard our natural habitats, but also foster climate resilience and build thriving communities. These ecological benefits translate into improved water quality, more varied flora and fauna and enhanced recreational spaces, promoting physical and mental well-being in communities. It’s a ripple effect like few other, read more in this fascinating article.


Ignite Ideas, One Prompt At A Time: Plug in this prompt to any LLM to learn attribution modeling in depth.

As an accomplished expert in marketing analytics and data-driven decision-making, your task is to create a comprehensive, beginner-friendly guide that demystifies the complex world of attribution modeling. Begin by defining attribution modeling and its critical role in optimizing marketing strategies and budget allocation. Use a step-by-step approach to break down the various attribution models, such as first-touch, last-touch, linear, time-decay, and data-driven attribution among others. Provide clear examples and case studies to illustrate how each model assigns credit to touchpoints along the customer journey, highlighting their strengths and limitations. Explain the importance of selecting the right attribution model based on factors such as business objectives, customer behavior, and data availability. Guide the reader through the process of implementing an attribution model, from data collection and preparation to analysis and interpretation. Address common challenges marketers face when attributing conversions, such as cross-device tracking, offline interactions, and the impact of external factors like seasonality or competitor activity. Throughout the guide, maintain an informative and engaging tone, using visuals and real-world examples to make complex concepts easily digestible. Conclude your guide with a summary of key takeaways, actionable recommendations, and a list of resources for further learning.


To do this week: Everyone talks about drinking a certain quantity of water each day. But do we know what happens when we do not drink water? Watch this fascinating talk by Mia Nacamulli which sheds light on this topic.

Watch Video.

Stay Informed, Stay Ahead!

About the author:


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