“Docendo discimus – By teaching, we learn…”
With a decade or more spent learning, experiencing and exploring the fields of Yoga and Digital Marketing, my perspective has come to a stage of refinement through many interactions with mentors and peers alike. In both these areas I’ve been extremely fortunate to have been able to learn from some of the top practitioners & proponents of these crafts.
At Google I worked for over a decade on digital marketing for large brands, startups & nonprofits across the US, UK and India. For the past 6 years, I have also been teaching digital marketing at various institutions across the country. Having been an insider who’s seen this ecosystem grow, I’ve developed a comprehensive point of view on this subject’s offerings. While digital marketing happened to be my profession, yoga became my passion when I stumbled upon Sivananda Yoga Ashram in 2008. While I trained to be a yoga teacher almost a decade ago, I’ve continued to study and practice yoga at different levels, and schools across India. Over time, my learning and experience in these two areas has evolved and I’ve consciously curated this into comprehensive workshops for interested individuals to gain specialized knowledge on these specific topics

Art of Attention: Be more effective, focused & productive
Attention is the study of how people process and react to stimuli, just like how you are doing right now. As a subject that has remained of interest since time immemorial, I have been exploring, and studying attention from a variety of perspectives. Attention is something that one has to explore for themselves and this workshop is an assimilation of ideas, information, and tools to nudge you in that direction.
Digital Marketing: A New Frontier
The digital marketing industry in India is a booming career today with growth being accelerated by the increased affordability of data, smartphones, and widespread penetration of the Internet. With India being the fastest-growing market with respect to digital marketing opportunities, this workshop serves as a primer for digital marketing by exploring global and local trends, the anatomy of digital platforms and deconstructing Google, Facebook and LinkedIn for practical knowledge of their working. An open forum for QnA, the workshop looks at providing participants with in-depth yet practical introductions to the components of successful digital marketing.

Digital Marketing : A New Frontier
The digital marketing industry in India is a booming career today with growth being accelerated by the increased affordability of data, smartphones, and widespread penetration of the Internet. With India being the fastest-growing market with respect to digital marketing opportunities, this workshop serves as a primer for digital marketing by exploring global and local trends, the anatomy of digital platforms and deconstructing Google, Facebook and LinkedIn for practical knowledge of their working. An open forum for QnA, the workshop looks at providing participants with in-depth yet practical introductions to the components of successful digital marketing.

Firendship: Health, healing and harmony through fire
Of the five elements, fire, in particular, has been integral to human evolution and vastly accelerated the process by aiding cooking, providing protection and warmth. Given our intimate relationship with fire, it’s been considered sacred and has been worshiped across the world for thousands of years in innumerable ways. Homa is a specific practice wherein different energies are invoked in fire using specific procedures. This process enhances focus, peace, and wellbeing for all participants. This workshop explains the importance of fire in our life and dives into the process of homa and how to do it yourself at home.
Digital Wellbeing: Building a healthy relationship with technology
Digital wellbeing relates entirely to how the internet and technology make us feel. Technology as a tool can either aid or hinder our development, and in being surrounded by it, it’s important to learn to use these tools judiciously. Even with 2/3rds of our day spent online, we have little control over how we use technology or how it’s tracking us. This workshop dives into the multiple tools and techniques that can help us set boundaries and maintain a healthier relationship with technology.

Digital Wellbeing : Building a healthy relationship with technology
Digital wellbeing relates entirely to how the internet and technology make us feel. Technology as a tool can either aid or hinder our development, and in being surrounded by it, it’s important to learn to use these tools judiciously. Even with 2/3rds of our day spent online, we have little control over how we use technology or how it’s tracking us. This workshop dives into the multiple tools and techniques that can help us set boundaries and maintain a healthier relationship with technology.